Graeme Miller
Testing & Assessments Psychologist
Sandringham & online
Psychological assessments are a process used by a psychologist to gather objective, reliable, valid information from a psychological perspective, to assist a person to better understand themselves as well as for clinical, legal and educational purposes. Graeme has completed postgraduate training in assessments, diagnosis, and treatment.
Graeme’s experience in psychological assessments includes cognitive assessment (IQ) and identification of learning disorders, memory, personality, psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress, risk assessment, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), autism, screening for dementia, skeletal muscular pain, as well as daily and personal functioning. At one stage of Graeme’s career, he was involved in quality control of psychological testing.
Graeme very much enjoys administrating, scoring and interpreting assessments, as it provides clear, objective information that is useful to assist with treatment planning, legal and compensation decisions, as well as clarifying and understanding what is going on, whether it is for an adult, adolescent, or a child.